Even though COVID-19 meant the holiday had to be postponed, Kat, 47, still decided to get a bikini body in lockdown.
Kat felt sluggish and out of shape, then out of the blue she suffered a painful back injury that didn’t help and pushed up her BMI. She was devastated and lost her confidence.
“I’d always been really fit and healthy, playing badminton and cricket, but after my back injury, the weight seemed to pile on,” she said.
“I desperately wanted to lose weight and it was my husband's 50th birthday coming in up in May. We knew we couldn’t go on holiday because of COVID-19 but I still wanted to have that bikini body even through lockdown.
“My friend, Nicola, suggested I contact a Consultant with The 1:1 Diet as she was already on Plan. I was put in touch with her Consultant, Saffron Taylor.
“Saffron was incredibly supportive. We had Monday morning virtual weigh-ins all through lockdown and throughout the week she sends me motivational text messages. As well as this, she’s always at the end of the phone, which is very reassuring. She also delivered meal replacement products to me as I am in isolation.
“I initially did a 28-day challenge and lost one stone four pounds, but my original goal was two stone so, after completing the challenge, I spoke to Saffron and she said ‘let’s go for it’.
“I have now lost two stone and feel, fitter and healthier and have noticed my asthma has also improved.
“I found the diet easy to follow and the weight loss products delicious.
“I started on Step 1a then after five days I stepped up to Step 2 which suited me better; three products a day and a 200-calorie meal at night.
“I’m eating healthier, knowing foods which are good for me and ones I don’t need. I’m controlling nibbling and snacking, as well as downsizing my food portions. I’ve also cut out fizzy drinks and replaced them with drinking three litres of water a day.
“I still pinch myself and can’t quite believe I’ve managed to lose two stone during lockdown in seven weeks. But it was easy. I loved the diet and stuck to it 100%. Having Saffron there supporting and encouraging me was a huge help and I cannot thank her enough; plus I’ve gained a lovely friend.”
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