Here's why our diet totally works!
Only The 1:1 Diet gives you a personal diet Consultant, who’ll provide you with a unique weight loss Plan, deliciously nutritious meals and never ending support.
Convinced already? Get started today.
Find a ConsultantThe effectiveness of our diet Plan is not just based on our proven, nutritionally-balanced products. You get a tailored-made, flexible Plan, with one-to-one support from a trained Consultant to make sure you hit your goals - big or small.
The Consultants
The regular, one-to-one visits with a trained Consultant are a crucial aspect of The 1:1 Diet. This kind of support has been proven to help optimise effective weight-loss.
The Plan
Our Plan has been proven effective in multiple studies and has been continually developed, improved and refined over 40 years, using the latest evidence and observing the experiences and outcomes of millions of dieters.
The products
Our products are designed to replace as few as one meal and as many as all of your normal meals in your diet, depending on your particular needs and goals. They contain the recommended levels of all essential vitamins, minerals and other nutrients and have been shown to lead to substantial weight loss through calorie restriction and better dietary intake. Wondering where to start on your weight loss journey? Try our taster pack now.
Don’t just take our word for it
Here's just a taster of the thousands of successful weight loss inspiration stories dieters have achieved with the support of their Consultant, a flexible diet Plan and delicious, nutritious meals.

“Seeing the impact the Plan has had on me...that’s the most rewarding thing"
John achieved an amazing transformation with a total weight loss of 10st 7lbs. The impact of the diet Plan not only changed him but inspired his wife and others around him to adopt a healthier lifestyle. Using the foundations of the Plan, John has maintained a healthy weight for four years.
“The range of products are great - there’s a big variety and taste amazing”
Amanda and Clare are the 2021 ‘In It Together’ Slimmer Award winners who lost a combined 11st 5lbs. The tasty products meant it felt like they weren't event on a diet! With so much selection, there is something for everyone.
Clare's go to was the Peanut Crispy Bar and Salted Caramel Bites
Amanda loves the Chocolate Shake 'N' Go as it was perfect for when she was out and about

"I had full support from my diet Consultant“
Ester achieved her weight loss transformation despite the lockdown with support from her diet Consultant who contacted her every other day to keep her on track and motivated. Consultants can tailor their support to you whether it's a daily boost or a weekly check-in!
Need more diet inspiration?
Read hundreds of inspiring weight loss success stories on our blog.