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Anti-Slavery and Trafficking Statement – 2024

Policy Statement

Cambridge Weight Plan (CWP) is committed to developing, raising awareness and implementing a Modern Slavery Policy and embedding this in our culture to assist in eradicating hidden labour exploitation.

This statement has been published in accordance with the Modern Slavery Act 2015 and sets out the steps taken to prevent modern slavery and human trafficking in our business and supply chains.



Hidden labour exploitation is exploitation of job applicants and workers by third party individuals or gangs other than the employer or labour provider including rogue individuals working within these businesses but without the knowledge of management. It includes forced labour and human trafficking for labour exploitation; payment for work-finding services and work-related exploitation such as forced use of accommodation. It is understood that it is often well hidden by the perpetrators with victims, if they perceive of themselves as such, reluctant to come forward.


Organisation Structure

Cambridge Weight Plan Ltd manufactures products for The 1:1 Diet by Cambridge Weight Plan brand at our site located at Weldon North Industrial Estate in Corby, Northants. We currently employ c. 190 Employee Stakeholders.

Cambridge Weight Plan manufactures all sachets, bars and tubs in-house, whilst the 'Ready to Drink' range, 'Ready to Snack' range and 'Step Up' meals are manufactured by third party partners.

In the UK and The Republic of Ireland the Company sells and markets The 1:1 Diet by Cambridge Weight Plan brand through independent sales Consultants.

Around the world The 1:1 Diet by Cambridge Weight Plan is sold through an extensive independent distributor network.


Mission statement

Together we will make a difference by transforming more people's lives through the profitable development, manufacture and marketing of effective weight management products and programmes supplied by entrepreneurs across the world.


Cross Functional Working Group

A cross functional input group is in place which will assess and respond to the requirements of the Modern Slavery Act 2015. We have an ongoing programme to review our response to the risk imposed by slavery and human trafficking and our existing policies and practices will be reviewed and updated as required.


The focus for the 2024-2025 Financial Year.

1. Supply Chain:

We inform prospective suppliers of our policy statement as part of our Supplier Approval Process (Cambridge Weight Plan is committed to developing processes designed to detect and eradicate hidden labour exploitation) and our expectation that they adhere to the requirements of the Modern Slavery Act 2015 and work positively with CWP towards its aim's as set out in our policy.

We will continue to work closely with our suppliers (both current and perspective) to ensure that they understand that we expect them to adhere to the requirements of the Modern Slavery Act 2015 and make our policy statement visible to them through both our new supplier approval process and also our supplier performance management system.

2. Distributors:

We are committed to ensuring anti-slavery legislation is embedded in the relationship we have with our international distributors. All new distribution agreements, whether renewed with existing distributors or for new agreements, will include our policy for anti-slavery. We continue to audit existing distribution agreements and amend accordingly to include our position on anti-slavery.

Regular visits are made to distributors and part of these visits include review of distribution agreements.

Build long standing relationships with our distributors to help eliminate the risk factors associated within our supply chains.

Check and confirm that current and future distributors are conversant with the terms of the Modern Slavery Act 2015 and that they have suitable steps in place to ensure their consultants are also conversant with their obligations. We will consider terminating a distributor's contract should any associated issue come to light.

3. Recruitment:

We will continue to audit agency worker providers due diligence checks against Gang Licencing Agency requirements.

Raise awareness of human trafficking and modern slavery, with all employees on Anti-Slavery Day, 18 October 2024 through our employee app.

An anti-slavery module will be included on our Learning Management System which will be included as part of the company induction for all new employee stakeholders.

We review and update annually our Modern Slavery Policy which is accessible to all employee stakeholders on our Employee App to encourage them to be aware of the possible 'signals' and know how to report such concerns.

Regular review of case studies shared with the management team and ensuring CWP practices are reviewed and any learnings or changes required are actioned accordingly.

We will continue to only contract with formal labour providers with an identifiable and distinct legitimate business entity for temporary agency workers.

We will enhance our focus this year on health and wellbeing which will provide stakeholders with the autonomy to support each other and raise awareness through an open door policy.

We take our commitment to ending modern slavery very seriously and inform all Employee Stakeholders that if they have any concerns or worries about this topic then they should not keep quiet. They should raise their concerns and worries with a supervisor or a manager and together we can help make a difference. If an Employee Stakeholder does not feel comfortable talking directly to a their supervisor or manager, they can contact the Company's whistleblowing telephone hotline on 0800 915 1571.

Our Response to Tackling Modern Slavery

Cambridge Weight Plan is opposed to all forms of human trafficking and slavery and undertakes all reasonable and practical steps to ensure that our standards are implemented throughout the business and with our suppliers, adhering to the Modern Slavery Act 2015.

This Statement will be updated annually, laying out the steps we will be taking to tackling modern slavery and preventing exploitation within our supply chain.

Board Approval

This statement has been approved by the Cambridge Weight Plan board of Directors on 20th March 2024.