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John loses ten and a half stone following life changing accident

Following a life-changing motorbike accident, Buckinghamshire based John Peate lived in near constant pain.

Now, after losing an incredible ten and a half stone, 33 year old John has regained his confidence and found a brand new smile.

“Even as a young child I’d been unhappy with my weight. It was a constant struggle with hit and miss diets all my adult life.

“10 years ago, I had a life changing motorbike accident that left me in constant pain. I hid from the physical pain through overindulging in food and drinking too much.

“By the time I turned 30 at the end of 2016 I weighed more than 25 stone, and due to the injuries sustained in my shoulder, I was left in almost permanent agony.

“My weight brought with it additional complications, and in February 2017 I had my first operation on my foot, an injury caused due to my size.

“This was a real wake up call, and just a few months later, after trying other diets for men that left me feeling ill, I went back to Lisa – a trusted family friend and a The 1:1 Diet Consultant.

“I had previously lost about 3 stones with her before my accident. And whenever I could I always went to see her to get weighed in.

“With her guidance, by the end of 2017 I was 17 and a half stones, losing eight stone in just seven months!

“This was truly life-changing, and also meant I was able to get the help I needed for the arthritis that had been caused by my foot injury.

“Early last year I had a further three major operations on my arm. I now have a bionic arm, with a metal shoulder, and managed to maintain my eight stones weight loss thanks to the lessons I learned along the way. 

“I felt so much better in myself, and the weight loss inspired me to get into walking, something I’d never have enjoyed before. Not only did I have a new bionic arm, but a new outlook on life.

“It wasn’t just me who noticed the difference, but my wife too.

“She knew my weight had always been an issue for me, and that it often left me feeling uncomfortable in my own skin, not that I let others see that.

“Seeing the impact the Plan has had on me, my wife and others around me have been inspired to adopt a healthier lifestyle, and that’s the most rewarding thing.”


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