Stop press! Diet friendly chocolate! Dieting doesn’t mean that you have to skip on the chocolate and deprive yourself this Easter.
If you have a sweet tooth, then The 1:1 Diet offers NINE different chocolate options, so you never feel like you’re missing out on a chocolatey treat. As well as this, the super supportive Consultants know how Easter can be a challenge. That’s why they’re on hand to stock up your Easter baskets with yummy goodies and share some really helpful tips to keep you on track over the Easter break.
From our product range, you can choose from;
- Chocolate or Chocolate Mint weight loss shakes. Plus, we now have our tasty Chocolate Shake 'n' Go ready to drink carton. Perfect for busy bees out and about.
- Chocolate Chewy, Chocolate & Orange Fusion, Cookie & Cream or Peanut Crispy meal replacement bars.
- Salted Caramel Bites – perfect for busy bees who need something quick and easy.
You could literally eat nothing but chocolate AND lose weight – this Plan is a chocoholics dream.
So that’s your chocolate fix sorted, now how about staying on track when there is so much temptation around?
That’s where the one-to-one support Consultants give really comes into play. We got in touch with some of the Consultants who had really handy tips and tricks up their sleeves to keep you motivated and on track throughout. Here’s just a few;
- Out of sight, out of mind. Got space in the bottom of your fridge? Perhaps a tall cupboard where you can’t reach easily? Keep those chocolate eggs hidden!
- Got a green thumb? Ask your friends or family to buy you a flower or seeds instead of chocolate. Plant it at Easter, keep it watered and watch it grow! As you see it bloom over the next few weeks, remember you’re doing the same for yourself! Perfect distraction technique!
- If you’ve got chocolate gifted to you, why not donate this to a local charity or food bank - any chocolate you don’t want is definitely appreciated.
Thanks to Consultants Loren, Sara and Fran for these tips!
Speak to your local Consultant to get these delicious, nutritious, diet friendly, chocolate delights and hear more tips and tricks for staying on Plan this Easter!