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Hi, I'm Jacquie!

Stronger Together

What’s Involved?

Initially, I will guide you through the plans, products and Policies and Procedures. You can attend a Business Opportunity Meeting with one of our Regional Sales Managers. We would also go through what you need to know before the training day and advice on running your own business.

Before you go for Essentials Training you would need to complete an application form and sit in on at least 2 consultations with me, just to give you experience of meeting dieters.

You will attend an Essentials Training Day where you will be either taught or provided with the information of what you need to know to become a consultant. After your training day you will have 14 days to complete an Online Assessment (it’s not hard, and if you have done the diet you will know most of the answers, if not you can ask me for advice). Once you have passed this and purchased a Starter Kit you will be Accredited as a Consultant.

The dates and spaces for the training days are always booked up well in advance so, if you are considering becoming a consultant don’t leave it until the date you would like to start as you may be disappointed that you need to wait a while before you can attend a training day.

Just like your weight loss journey, I am here for your entire journey, you are never alone in this.

What makes a great Consultant?

  • Be chatty, approachable and a good listener
  • Be super supportive
  • Always have time to support your dieters
  • Be empathic towards the challenges of weight loss

Training/Starter Kit £50 + £150 - Optional Booster Kit/Webpage £400