Winning at lockdown weight loss during the COVID-19 pandemic
We’ve pulled together some tips, tricks and information to help you start, stick with and achieve your diet and weight loss goals, despite the ever-changing government restrictions.
Find a ConsultantSo, what do we know so far?
We all know that lockdown weight gain has impacted many Brits across the UK. In fact, over 3.3 million have gained more than a stone in weight during the pandemic.
It’s also been found that certain people are at higher risk from COVID-19 than others. Evidence suggests obesity may increase the risk of COVID-19 complications and that 70% of sufferers who end up in intensive care are overweight or obese.
Research has also shown that the top three things people are willing to sacrifice to be healthier were treats (39%), alcohol (35%) and nights out (33%). Reducing just some of these things can contribute to that lockdown weight loss.

What can we do about it?
The 1:1 Diet Consultants not only put together a tailored Plan that is just right for you, but they also pride themselves on providing one-to-one encouragement and assistance in other ways – they really are your personal cheerer-onners!
For many of us, the disruption that lockdown caused to our normal routine led to some negative changes. One of the best and most effective mood boosters you could add to your routine is some form of exercise. Fear not, we’re not suggesting that you do an hour of rigorous boot-camp style training (although if that’s something you’re into, why not?!). There are lots of small tweaks you can make to your day to incorporate exercise. Take a look at Why walking is great for your health and Sofa workout, for just a couple of ideas!
Keeping accountable
Something that helps stop so many people from falling off the band wagon is keeping accountable! Support from others, and being able to check in daily, weekly, or even monthly, can really support you to achieve your goals. Join the #One2OneDietChallenge and see what you can achieve in a set timeframe! Establish your goals, download our 30-day calendar, and off you go.
The proof is in the picture
Dozens of dieters have achieved their weight loss goals with help from The 1:1 Diet. The support Consultants can provide, alongside tasty meal replacement products, and a flexible Plan, means there’s something we can offer to suit all.

Emily Trickey, winner of our Lockdown Slimdown Award, used her savings to go on Plan and lost three stone.

Hannah Gold-Lewis, winner of our Social Hero Award, lost weight thanks to The 1:1 Diet and has a new lease of life.

Isik Hassan is looking forward to splashing out on a new wardrobe after losing four stone during lockdown with The 1:1 Diet.