Friendly & Approachable
- Based in Houghton, Huntingdon with easy access and plenty of parking
- Appointment available Monday to Saturday
- Appointments available in the comfort of your home or workplace
- No consultation or joining fee
- 1-2-1 friendly support in a private room
- Appointment times to suit you
- Everyone welcome groups, young, old, male or female
- Private Facebook group support
- You are welcome to bring your children with you.
This Diet is the ONE!
Let's get you feeling good for the summer and positively work towards on a slimmer healthier you.
If you are thinking about starting the 1:1 Diet why not give me a call for a chat and have your questions answered. I did the plan and I still maintain, I can help you become, slimmer and healthier. I've been a consultant for over seven years and I'm a Gold level consultant,
Since having my 3 children, I just couldn’t get back down to my ‘ REAL weight'' I had spent the last 10 years starting diets and then losing 7lbs and then rewarding myself with food and going straight back up.
I dreaded dieting, because I didn’t believe in my heart that it could work as I knew was failing.
Instead my weight was creeping higher and higher. That’s when I decided to give The 1:1 Diet a go.
Why did I not do this in the first place? For the first time in 10 years I found something that was easy to stick too – this was the answer for me.
I am based in Houghton, please give me a call for a chat or to book an appointment.
07786 651901
Get in contact Let me help you achieve your goal.
Yvette x
My weightloss
If you want to finally get to your perfect weight, then I am the consultant you need !
Request a callback from Yvette