Private face to face appointments in my home office in Ventnor on the Isle of Wight or if you prefer or live on the mainland remote support by phone or video call or a mixture of all 3!
Every dieter is unique. We all have different goals, time restraints & needs. you decide how much support you need from me.
Your products are posted out direct from our warehouse in Northamptonshire next day delivery anywhere in the UK.
You order from me & I do the rest!
I am now in my 10th successful year as a Consultant supporting dieters nationwide & a team of Consultants.
Managing your weight is a life long commitment. It doesn't mean you can't have your favourite foods. It's all about balance. Food is to be enjoyed!
35 years ago I was a size 22. Today I am a size 12 & have been for the last 35 years.
I can teach you the skills I have learned to help you lose weight, keep your weight off & be the best version of you.
I eat nice food, go out for meals & drink wine! Remember it's all about balance & looking after yourself.
The 121 Diet by Cambridge Weight Plan has been around for a while 40 years this year! So we have had plenty of time to make the most great tasting nutritionally balanced meals & healthy diet for you.
Contact me for a current product list to learn what's new
I can also send your our electronic handbook detailing our step programme & how it all works.
There is absolutely no obligation. You have nothing to lose except weight!
07917 703821
Life Changing
Today is the start of the rest of your life
Request a callback from Hilary
Email: the121diet@outlook.com
07917 703821