About Me:
Consultant of the Year
London Regional Consultant of the Year
Consultant to Woman of the Year, Man of the Year, Maintainer and Lockdown Slimmer
Champion Consultant every year from 2013 - 2024
What I Offer:
I work in a practical way, taking into account lifestyle factors and any past barriers to success as I understand the juggling act we all face.
I have had extensive and specialist training to further develop how I work with clients and therefore see the best possible results in long term weight management.
I have weekly appointments, either face to face or on screen/calls, to ensure clients feel supported and encouraged whilst addressing any issues or triggers that may have arisen over the week.
I am very proactive, sending out daily coaching videos to keep clients focused on their goals.
I individualise maintenance plans and support clients long term through to weight management which I am passionate about having maintained my own weight loss for more than eleven years through peri menopause and covid.
Being a One2Onediet consultant is my full time job and clients are my focus. I really focus on getting to the root of why the weight has gone on ie hormones, stress, changes in lifestyle to include a few.
About Me:
I had spent most of my ife "yo-yo" dieting and every time my size increased so my self esteem plummeted. I was an overweight chld and used food for comfort. After having my daughter I was the biggest I've ever been and struggled to wear the fashionable clothes that I loved. I lost 5.5 stone* in five months on plan but most importantly have kept them off for eleven years navigating the hornone changes and lockdown.
Based in Wimbledon/South Wimbledon but I can support clients anywhere across the country with remote coaching and product delivery straight to your door.
Free parking or a one minute walk from all major transport links
Flexible day, very late evening and weekend appointments
My challenges have produced results of a stone weight loss in 30 days.
About Me:
I offer extensive daily support for weight management in order to keep the weight off longer term.
Request a callback from Liza
Email: lhbcambridge@gmail.com
07720 394875