Theres no better time than now
- Are you unhappy with your appearance?
- Struggling to fit into your clothes
- Absent from family photos
- Avoiding full length mirrors
Then The 1:1 is for YOU
Get in touch to book your free consultation and you can choose either
- Weekly 1:1 meetings to monitor your weight & inch loss
- Virtual consultations discussing weight & inch loss via Whatsapp, Zoom or phone calls weekly this is available throughout UK /NI along with postal delivery to your doorstep
- A mixture of the two
Then you can :-
- Begin your weight loss journey with your personalised, delicious & easy to follow menu plan along with nutritionally complete products and Steps book
- Receive motivational messages to keep you focused and accountable.
- Rewards & Incentives
- Learn about food choices, portion control and maintainence
16 years ago I was working in a busy job with long hours 5 days a week and chose weekends to kick back I didn't need to look in a full length I knew what clothes fitted me
I could hide at the back of family photos or make sure I had a child in front of me.
Did I feel uncomfortable ?
Sometimes yes if I saw an unflattering photo or video clip on facebook I'd cringe make a decision to do something about it but generally push it to the back of my mind.
A change in my personal/working life made me think seriously about mine and my family's future and that is when I made the decision to commit to losing weight.
Will your story be the same as mine, maybe maybe not, we all have our own personal reasons for starting. You too will have yours, but I will always be there to support and encourage you as I have done with 100s of clients .
So now its over to you and time to begin your journey and start your story.
Its this easy ...07872905469
If you wonder why I have no before and after photos its because too many years has past and hairstyles and fashions change over time
.Life Begins At The End Of Your Comfort Zone
Request a callback from Kristine
07872 905469