soThe 1:1 Diet Saved Me
During lockdown and in the last couple of years one of the first comforts we turn to is food.Initially this makes us happy but as we all know as the weight increases we become unhappy about our bodies but find it hard to break our new eating habbit. Happily there is something we can do about it. With my help and the Cambridge Weight plan we can beat those lockdown pounds.....
- How great it would be to be happier about your shape.
- Feel good about yourself.
- Change the habits you've formed over the years.
- Develop a different relationship with food.
- Wear anything in your wardrobe.
Together we can achieve this.
Weight loss is a commitment and a decision you can make to achieve a healthier and fitter you this year, it’s not just a diet.
The key to weight loss is to never feel alone. We all need in-depth support and encouragement and that is where I come in enabling you to lose weight and maintain the weight you lose in private individual consultations designed to suit all your personal requirements with Cambridge Weight Plan.
Having been slim for most of my life I found myself over four and a half stone heavier after the birth of my children. I spoiled all of my 30’s by being overweight, I decided I wasn’t going to spoil my 40’s
Having tried and failed with every diet you can imagine, I found Cambridge Weight Plan and it worked brilliantly for me.
I lost a considerable amount of weight and dropped four dress sizes. Having developed a new relationship with food it enabled me to maintain my weight for nine years.
I thank my lucky stars every day that I found CWP.
Having become an award winning Consultant I hold one-to-one free consultations at my home office for both men and women.
From £2.30 per meal - less expensive than the average Costa Coffee - Cambridge Weight Plan is cheaper to follow than one might think, and more economical than many other weight-loss products.
Let me help you to start changing your life today!
My home office is in Albert Village in Swadlincote.
Clients can now pay by card as I accept all major debit and credit cards, just makeing life a little easier.
Call Tina on 07811 337433
My 1-1 Journey
Click on the link for the tester pack
Request a callback from Tina & Lawrence
07811 337433