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Julie loses more than half her body weight to keep her driving licence

Coach tour operator Julie Knight was in danger of losing her driving licence because her size meant she kept falling asleep everywhere. After finding The 1:1 Diet, Julie lost an incredible 12 stone and no longer recognises herself! 

Julie, 37, lost more than half her body weight after a health scare saw her nearly lose her driving licence. Her wakeup call came when she kept falling asleep – literally – everywhere.

“I’ve always been big due to unhealthy eating habits,” said Julie. “I used to work unsociable hours and would binge on junk food. My weight then started to affect my health and I couldn’t stay awake. I’d nap when I could and even fell asleep in the cinema!”

Julie was diagnosed with sleep apnoea in 2019.

I was given a continual positive airway pressure (CPAP) machine and advised by my doctor that I had to contact the DVLA about my condition. The thought of losing my driving licence was devastating. I knew if I tried to do something about my weight I might be able to reverse the effects of sleep apnoea.

“I didn’t like the idea of weight loss groups, but the one-to-one support which this diet  offered was really appealing so I contacted my Consultant, Michelle.

“Michelle's support was greatly appreciated and really helped me stay on track throughout the 13 months it took me to lose weight. I knew Michelle was only on the end of the phone if I had any questions or concerns and that helped. I also didn't feel like I was restricted to only contact Michelle on my 'weigh in' day, I knew I could message her anytime and she'd help me.

“I found the Plan fairly easy to follow as I moved up the Steps, even during lockdown. I was determined to keep my licence and ditch the horrible CPAP machine.”

Julie is delighted by the changes weight loss has made to her life.

“I’ve now more than halved my body weight. I no longer need the CPAP machine as I have reversed the sleep apnoea symptoms and feel so much healthier.

“I can climb stairs without getting out of breath, I use an exercise bike regularly... something I've never been able to do before. I now walk for miles with my two dogs without feeling tired.

“When I'm driving, my stomach no longer touches the steering wheel and I can fit into coach seats with the seatbelt around me which, as a tour operator, is a big help.”

For more inspiring weight-loss before and after stories, visit our blog.

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