The 1:1 Diet Maintainer Award Winner 2019
“In March 2012, I lost my father to Alzheimer's and in the following three years completely lost control of my food intake.
“I was drinking far too much wine and my exercising stopped altogether. Consequently, my weight hit an all-time high of nearly 22 stone.
“In February 2015, I made the best decision which has now completely changed my life.
“I realised my dad wouldn’t like to see me like this. I was starting to struggle just doing general tasks, especially tying shoe laces.
“I realised I had done enough mourning and feeling sorry for myself and wanted to get back to a healthy lifestyle and somebody he could be proud of again. There was now a three-year-old grandson to entertain; I needed help.
“I spent the next seven to eight months losing just under eight stone in a controlled manner with weekly guidance from my Consultant Lynn Smith.
“In November 2015, my wife, Debbie, and I went on our first cruise. It was a fantastic feeling for the first time ever to attend the captain’s ball wearing a tuxedo suit - I felt on top of the world.
“I ran my first half marathon in May 2016 and at the finish line it was very emotional, for me and my family . . . it was such a transformation in just 14 months.
“Then I was out riding my bike with my family in our local forest centre and unfortunately had an accident and fell off my bike. Without knowing, I’d broken my neck.
“I pushed my bike home as I didn’t feel great. Then the pain and discomfort hit me. I was taken to hospital where it became apparent I was a very lucky man because I had fractured my C1 into 3 pieces, but there was no nerve damage.
“I had to wear a supportive collar for three months, not able to work during the recovery time.
“I was bored and this tested my mental strength. I got through this phase and actually lost a further seven pounds. I was now the lightest I had been for more than 30 years at just under 13 stone.
“In 2017, I completed a few more half marathons, got back on a bike and completed the London to Brighton event.
“In 2018, I achieved something I never thought possible and amazed myself by completing two triathlons, two more half marathons and lots of running personal bests.
“All this was achieved using a blend of products by The 1:1 Diet at certain times to assist any fluctuation in weight, and with the constant support of my Consultant.
“Lynn is an unsung hero and, for people like me, who need to understand maintaining is a guided journey and not a given once you get to your weight goal, she gives the required guidance.”