“I retired and suddenly had time on my hands. As I live in a beautiful lakeside community, I decided I’d like to learn to run and really fancied having a go at water skiing. I was 59 at the time and very overweight.
“I’d started to raise money for The British Heart Foundation by running a marathon over four weeks, but I couldn’t run 10 steps.
“I decided to do Couch to 5K and, after speaking to a friend who had lost weight with The 1:1 Diet by Cambridge Weight Plan, found a Consultant on the website.
“I did my running hand in hand with being on Plan and was absolutely determined to stick to it. I now run half an hour at a time and also walk my friend’s three dogs two to three times a week.
“I live on a lake and used to go water-skiing, which is so much easier now I’ve lost four and a half stone because I’m not carrying so much weight. I can get into the skins you have to wear, never get out of breath and feel fab!
“Now I can wear fantastic fitness clothes, which I never would’ve dreamt of putting on before. And one of my daughters – Leigh – borrows my clothes.
“Being a size 10 is unbelievable and I’ve maintained this since reaching target in May 2018. I’ve always got a The 1:1 Diet bar in my bag in case I get hungry and have an app on my phone to track my calories and to make sure I walk at least 10,000 steps a day.
“I also ensure I drink enough water every day and have become a Consultant for The 1:1 Diet.
“None of this would have been possible without the one-to-one support from Paula. We clicked so well; we’re very similar and I lost weight every week, even when I was on holiday.
“Lots of people have seen my weight loss journey when I’m out running or walking the dogs and I also run a lot of social events, which has helped me gain clients.
“It really has made me feel years younger too since losing weight!”