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Father Paul Lomas's lost 6 stone, plus a load of health concerns!

Priest Paul Lomas shakes it all off

Parishoners of a church in Stockport thought they had a new priest after theirs lost six stones!

Roman Catholic priest Father Paul Lomas, who had many health concerns, decided to take part in a diet for the BBC’s The Big Crash Diet Experiment. 

The 65-year-old said: “I was 19st 11lbs, with a BMI of 42.5, my health wasn’t great and I had nothing to lose by giving it a go.”

Little did Father Paul know that the food he would be trying was The 1:1 Diet. 

“I’d heard of the diet, but didn’t know much about it. I was told that it would be a liquid diet of 800 calories per day. It didn’t sound like it was going to be easy.”

Father Paul was shown that his daily food consumption was around 4,000 calories a day! Crazy right? 

“A typical day would include orange juice and cereal with a few rounds of toast. Lunch would follow with a cup-a-soup, two sandwiches and fruit. Dinner would include meat, potatoes and veg, followed by ice cream, followed by some supper. After being shown a typical day’s food consumption, it was easy to see I had a problem of over eating.”

Week in and week out, Father Paul had appointments with his Consultant, Darren Donohue, who helped him lose a whopping three stones in nine weeks.  

After nine weeks, when food was introduced alongside the products, it was the best and most life-changing experience for Father Paul, who lost six stones in total. 

He is an Anglican convert and married with two children and five grandchildren. 
“I broke both my ankles in 1990 and had a lot of operations following it. I couldn’t walk far before, now I can walk around five miles. I’m walking better, feeling healthier and have lots more energy. I’m planning to get back on a bicycle again, something I haven’t done for many years.”

Father Paul says mass at Christ Church Catholic church in Cheadle, Stockport, at 10am every morning and his parishioners are amazed at how different he looks. Some have even lost weight with The 1:1 Diet themselves after seeing their priest’s transformation.

“Parishioners haven’t recognised me. They saw me standing up at the altar and thought I was a new priest. I visited a guy in hospital and he thought I’d sent someone else to visit him.”

Father Paul really liked the personal support of the one-to-one element of the diet. 

“It’s not like standing on scales in front of everyone. It’s personal to you, the dieter. My Consultant Darren spurred me on and kept me going throughout. It’s not a crash diet; it’s a choice you make and the diet is controlled.

“I still love food, but it doesn’t have the same place in my life any more. I keep questioning myself why I didn’t do it sooner. I’ve gone from a 50-inch waist to a 38-inch one. I can’t believe the skinny chinos I pick out of the washing machine are mine.”

As you can see you aren’t and will never be alone! If you need some motivation or a kick-start to your weight-loss journey, join our #One2OneDiet60DayChallenge . . .  you might surprise yourself at how much you could lose in 60 days! 

Check out more weight loss success stories like Paul’s. To create your own success story contact a Consultant today!

The weight lost and/or time frames are particular to this slimmer. Everyone’s weight-loss journey is unique to them.