Recently there has been a fantastic announcement following the Diabetes UK Conference where the NHS Type 2 Diabetes Path to Remission Programme was unveiled. This programme provides a low-calorie, total diet replacement regime for those living with Type 2 Diabetes and obesity, to help them lose weight and become healthier, as well as potentially reverse their condition.
The results so far have been incredibly positive, showing that out of those who completed the programme:
- They had lost an average of two and a half stone
- 27% of the patients had reversed their Type 2 Diabetes
The Path to Remission programme is based on 2 studies: The Diabetes UK-funded “DiRECT” trail and the DROPLET trial.
The 1:1 Diet’s Commercial Nutritionist Mark Gilbert is our resident expert with over 30 years of experience in the food, fitness and healthcare industry. With both of these trials being based upon The 1:1 Diet products and programme, he is excited to go into more detail about each study and what this means, not to mention some additional studies that further support the evidence from both DiRECT and DROPLET.
The DiRECT Study
DiRECT was a landmark study, which showed definitively that diabetes can be reversed, using a protocol based upon The 1:1 Diet.
This 3rd party study (which helped form the basis for the NHS Type 2 Diabetes Path to Remission Programme) was carried out by Diabetes UK where a total diet replacement was undertaken by the participants. Diabetes UK completely designed the study themselves and approached The 1:1 Diet to provide the supplies they needed in order to carry out the study. This study was examined over a period of 5 years.
The study itself had the following criteria for participants:
298 Subjects
BMI scores between 27 and 45 (Considered overweight to obese)
The methodology:
840kcal diet undertaken for 3 to 5 months
Followed by a 2 to 8 week stepped food re-introduction
Followed by structured support for weight-loss maintenance
The Results:
After 2 years:
Over 1/3 of participants sustained Type 2 Diabetes remission
After 5 years:
Participants lost on average about one stone
Of those in remission at year 2, 26% remained in remission at 5 years
Not only this, the Quality of life index for participants was observed to increase, meaning those who participated felt that their quality of life had improved by the diet, as judged by a validated questionnaire. The substantial decrease in the risks associated with Type 2 diabetes (such as stroke, infections, pancreas/kidney problems) surely speaks for itself.
This study was undertaken by the University of Oxford and this time around, it used actual, real-world Consultants from The 1:1 Diet throughout its support. Following a similar methodology as the DiRECT study, the key difference here was the ongoing support and care.
The details:
278 subjects
BMI scores in the obese category
The methodology:
810 kcal/day for the first 8 weeks
Followed by reintroduction to food
Weekly behavioural support for 12 weeks
Followed by monthly support for 3 months
The results:
- Substantial greater weight loss than control group (10kg)
- Improvement in heart disease risk and improvements in several aspects of metabolism
What this study showed was when the participant had that additional support from a Consultant, they were able to garner better, faster results. Our method showed both efficacy and effectiveness when it came to losing and maintaining weight loss.
The results were so good in fact, that when the study came to an end 62% of people wished to continue with the diet and went on to be The 1:1 Diet clients.
What’s happening in the body?
When scientists looked at what exactly had changed in the subjects’ bodies leading to their Type 2 Diabetes remission, the answer was soon discovered: Visceral fat. All the subjects in the study had lost substantial visceral fat around the liver and the pancreas.
Essentially, in the process of becoming overweight and then diabetic, the liver (the detoxifier of the body) becomes engorged with fat and then so too does the pancreas (where insulin is produced to control blood sugar).
During the diet, this fat around the organs is reduced and in about half of diabetics, allows them to resume normal function again.
This of course is an exciting finding and provides hope for those who suffer from prediabetes and Type 2 diabetes!
These are not the only studies & reviews undertaken
We’ve spoken about how DiRECT and DROPLET feed into the NHS Type 2 Diabetes Path to Remission Programme, but did you know there are also many other studies that have been undertaken, that also demonstrate incredible results based on The 1:1 Diet protocol? For example, the PREVIEW and the DIADEM-1 study, which we will go into a little more detail below.
Preview Study
The PREVIEW study focused on helping those who had been diagnosed as prediabetic. It was conducted in seven European countries, New Zealand and Australia and with over 2000 subjects was “to date, the largest, multinational study concerning prevention of type-2 diabetes(1). Using a low-energy, nutritionally complete diet and products supplied by The !:1 Diet, and based upon our protocols, subjects lost over 10% of their body weight and over one-third reversed their pre-diabetes in eight weeks.
DIADEM-1 Study
Using similar methods as the DiRECT trial, another was undertaken in Qatar in a Middle Eastern and North African population. The results were just as amazing with 61% of subjects in The 1:1 Diet group reversing their diabetes at one year (2).
Specialist dietitians and medical practitioner’s review
In July 2021, a group of specialist dietitians and medical practitioners were convened, supported by the UK dietetic authority (the British Dietetic Association) and the UK’s top diabetic charity: Diabetes UK. This expert group reviewed over 90 published studies on the best dietary approaches to reverse diabetes (3).
When the investigation was complete, the group concluded that nutritionally complete, meal-replacement foods worked at least twice as well as the next best dietary approach (a low-carb diet) to reverse diabetes. Importantly, the major focus of this review was the results of the DiRECT and DIADEM-1 studies, all based on our products and protocols.
The 1:1 Diet has been proven in gold standard, randomised, controlled trials to be effective in both preventing and reversing pre-diabetes and Type 2 Diabetes. Not only this, but it can also reduce blood sugar and the need for insulin in long-established diabetics as well as reduce the reliance on other medications needed for management of the condition (Note: no one should change their use of any medication without their doctor’s advice. The 1:1 Diet has strict protocols in place to ensure people manage their medical affairs in coordination with their appropriate healthcare professional). The achievement is a great step in the right direction to help improve the quality of life for those who suffer from the condition and we here at The 1:1 Diet are excited to see what’s next.
Mark Gilbert B.A.Sc (Nutrition), RNutr, CISSN
Mark is the Nutritionist for The 1:1 Diet by Cambridge Weight Plan and has been involved in nutrition and healthcare for over 30 years. He is a registered nutritionist and has held multiple certifications in sports nutrition, exercise science and pharmaceuticals.
He is currently the Nutritionist for The 1:1 Diet by Cambridge Weight Plan and a Science Officer for TDMR Europe. Formerly, Mark was Vice Chair of the European Specialist Sports Nutrition Alliance, Director of Consumers for Health Choice, author, international speaker, on the Advisory Board and columnist for Muscle & Fitness, Flex and Muscle Insider magazines and co-founder of FitnessGenes, Ltd.
As a Consultant, Mark has advised dozens of multi-national companies on product formulation/IP, regulatory affairs, corporate investment and marketing, including most of the world’s top sports nutrition companies, Tesco, Lion Capital and the Canadian Armed Forces. Mark has also worked with doctors, dietitians and specialist nurses in the NHS, advising and providing training on the use of enteral and parenteral nutrition and pharmaceuticals and worked with the police and the courts as an expert witness.
Are you looking to address your diabetes?
1. Christensen P, Meinert Larsen T, Westerterp-Plantenga M, et al. Men and women respond differently to rapid weight loss: Metabolic outcomes of a multi-centre intervention study after a low-energy diet in 2500 overweight, individuals with pre-diabetes (PREVIEW). Diabetes Obes Metab. 2018 Dec;20(12):2840-2851.
2. Shahrad Taheri, Hadeel Zaghloul, Odette Chagoury, et al. Effect of intensive lifestyle intervention on bodyweight and glycaemia in early type 2 diabetes (DIADEM-I): an open-label, parallel-group, randomised controlled trial. The Lancet Diabetes & Endocrinology, 2020. 8(6), 477-89.
3. Brown A, McArdle P, Taplin J, Unwin D, Unwin J, Deakin T, Wheatley S, Murdoch C, Malhotra A, Mellor D. Dietary strategies for remission of type 2 diabetes: A narrative review. J Hum Nutr Diet. 2021 Jul 29.