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  • We offer free consultations
  • We offer mobile visits
  • We work from home
  • We offer daytime consultations
  • We offer weekend consultations
  • We offer evening consultations
  • We accept Healthcare vouchers

Hi, we're Anthea & Bonnie !

Hi Welcome to my page

Our Story,

Both my Sister and I have been where you are now. By the start of 2011 due to hitting early Menopause I gained so much weight. It really got me down. I was struggling with depression because of it. As so many of us do, I turned to food for comfort, which of course made it worse. That was untill I found the 1:1 Diet. All I can say is WOW!!

I started as a very stretched size 20, but by the end of my journey I was a happy confident size 12. I finaly felt like the real me again. I decided then that I had to become a consultant to help others feel the way I do. 

My Sister Bonnie had a nasty fall back in 2013, which pretty much left her immobile for a long period of time. this caused Bonnie to go from a very active and happy size 10 to an unhappy size 18. However after being given the OK by the hospital we started her on plan and she lost an amazing 41\2 stone. This has transformed her confidence and reduced the constant pain considerably. 

It's many years on now and we are now both happy at size 12\14. Yes our weight fliuctuates sightly , but we are both very much in control and incredibly happy with ourselves.

That is exatly what we want for you, We want you to be Happy when you look in the mirror, to be able to wear the clothes you want to wear not what you have to wear. It is not about getting you to your smallest ever weight, but getting you to YOUR HAPPY weight. 

Will It Be EASY...... No not all the time, but we will do our best to make it FUN


Can You DO IT.... With our support, of course you can 

There will be tough times and yes you will have days you fall off the proverbial wagon, but thats ok, as together we will get you right back on track.

Call us today and let us help you find the REAL YOU... WHY? Because YOU ARE SO WORTH IT!!

My Journey

Height: 5' 6" Time to lose: 5 months Time maintained: 8 years
From 15 stones 10 lbs
To 10 stones 8 lbs

Bonnie's Story

Height: 5' 7" Time to lose: 5 Time maintained: 6 years
From 13 stones 10 lbs
To 9 stones 7 lbs

Fun, Friendly, Multi Award Winning Diamond Champion Consultant