Hi. We are Jean & John
We have been one2onediet (by Cambridge Weight Plan) consultants since 1986, and in that time we have helped many hundreds of dieters to not only lose weight, but very importantly, to successfully keep it off.
If you are looking for a consultant who is young and trendy, then we may not be for you. However, if you are looking for a consultant who has a wealth of knowledge and experience, has been passionate in their belief in the one2onediet for over 37 years and is prepared to go the extra mile to help you achieve your goals, then we would love to hear from you.
The 1:1 Diet, from Cambridge Weight Plan, is the new name for what was originally called The Cambridge Diet. So why the name change? We have the same range of delicious, nutritionally balanced shakes, soups, bars, smoothies and meals. Its the same caring company that has been helping people with their weight since 1984, but the name now emphasises the importance of the one to one support that we, as your consultants, give you during your weight loss journey.
Research shows that ongoing support is the key to weight loss and, as your consultants, we will do all that we can to help you to achieve your weight loss goals, and then we will do all that we can to help you with long term weight maintenance.
We will customise a plan for you, based on the amount of weight you are looking to lose, any medical problems you may have, your lifestyle and, of course, your personal preferences. We will meet with you regularly to discuss your progress. At these meetings, which will normally be weekly, we will weigh you on our amazing state of the art body composition anlaysis scales, to monitor your progress. You will be able to contact us whenever you like by phone, email or text, and we will always be here for you. We pledge to help you, support you, encourage you and motivate you in any way we can. All we ask in return is that you stick to the plan.
We always endevour to keep a good stock of the full product range.
To arrange an initial meeting, phone, email or text us today. We make no charge for consultations. You have nothing to lose apart from the weight.
We pledge to do all we can to help you achieve your goals.
Request a callback from Jean & John
Email: apollo@blueyonder.co.uk