Woman of the Year 2018
“I began to gain weight after a miscarriage two years ago. I ate to fill the emptiness I felt inside. A few months later I fell pregnant again, however I kept on haemorrhaging and was told on numerous occasions I was having a miscarriage and that the baby had a 50/50 chance of surviving.
“I was on bed rest until I gave birth and gained so much weight. My marriage deteriorated and my husband became a stranger . . . we argued constantly.
“I had gained so much weight I couldn’t physically do anything without feeling exhausted. I felt too embarrassed to go out or see anyone. I was depressed and lacked lust for life. I would not brush my hair, get dressed or even look in the mirror. I was in a very dark place”.
“Then finally my son was born. I was so happy and relieved, but I felt so much shame when it took numerous people to lift me on to the recovery bed after my C-section because of my weight.
“When I got home, my life was the same as before. I looked after the baby and comfort ate. I felt so alone and depressed because of my weight”.
“Things got so bad in my marriage that I went to stay with my sister for a while. She had just started The 1:1 Diet and, after another argument with my husband, something inside me said ‘enough is enough’.
“I contacted my Consultant, Linda Danks, and started my journey. She made me believe I could do it and supported me every step of the way.
“I have a new zest for life, I feel confident and enjoy the things that I used to enjoy before. My marriage is much better now . . . my weight loss has given us that spark back. My older son has lost more than a stone recently and he told me ‘if you can lose weight mum, then I can do it too’.
Check out more weight loss success stories like Nicola’s. To create your own success story contact a Consultant today!

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