Sharon Charles-Cockerill, from Leicester, had ignored doctors’ advice to overhaul her lifestyle, but with the birth of her first grandson, she decided it was time to make a change.
The 49-year-old is now celebrating an incredible 6st 13lbs weight loss and a whole new lease of life.
“I’d been putting off making a visit to see my GP but, following a blood test and years of being advised to make alterations to my lifestyle, I decided it was time to bite the bullet.
“In Spring 2019, I was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes. It was apparent I needed to start taking the medical advice seriously, particularly for the sake of my family.
“On the same day of my diagnosis, I reached out to my local The 1:1 Diet Consultant, Lina Browning. I already knew Lina, and as someone who had never dieted before, I needed a friendly face to support me – someone I knew would always be honest with me and make me feel comfortable.
“I set out two clear goals – to get back into a size 14 and come off my diabetes medication – and that focus really helped me. It was about much more than my weight for me. I wanted to improve my lifestyle so I could make the most of spending time with my family and be fit enough to run around the park with my one-year-old grandson, Lukas.
“I’ve worked within the Scout community alongside my full-time job for more than 23 years; undertaking voluntary work meant I found very little time for me. Previously this had meant I always reached for convenience foods and snacked between meals – a quick packet of crisps here and there, or handful of chocolate biscuits.
“Scouting camps would also involve a lot of high-calorie meals and goodies, and I’d notice myself becoming quickly breathless on even the smallest hikes.
“I was determined to lose weight for my Scouts too, giving them the best experience without having to cut things short because I was struggling.
“This is why The 1:1 Diet was such a great fit for me – it was simple and flexible. Since losing the weight it really has changed my life - I came off my diabetes medication after only 11 months on Plan.
“I’ve become more confident in what I wear. I would revisit my wardrobe each time I lost more weight, throwing out what was now too big for me – I wasn’t going back to that.
“I no longer struggle to put my socks on, or become breathless when climbing the stairs, and I’m back to enjoying hikes without feeling like I’m letting my Scout group down.
“I’m loving being me again – life is good! What’s even better, this is only the start of my journey.”
Sharon's transformation
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