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Jazz used The 1:1 Diet so she could feel confident at family events

“20 years ago my Dad had a heart attack, then seven years later my mum died with cancer. I was devastated and my world fell apart.

“I was married and had two children, so I always cooked big Indian meals. I hid my grief in my food, which led me to a good few years of comfort eating.

“I was angry, physically and mentally, and this was the start of my secret eating.

“I hid behind black, loose clothing as I was now up to a size 22 and had no confidence. It was a nightmare at weddings and parties as I felt everyone was judging me for my size, including myself, which made it worse. I felt I was in a dark pit with no way out.

“Friends and family often asked my husband ‘why is your wife so miserable?’ but no-one knew how I felt inside.

“During my second pregnancy I was diagnosed with kidney stones and borderline diabetes. I had five operations, which were all unsuccessful. I felt depressed and in a lot of pain. I needed a shoulder to cry on but felt so alone.

“I tried to avoid Indian social occasions, but didn't have a choice for some. I was 14 stone and didn't look nice in anything.

“I heard some ladies saying ‘she is so big, she must be pregnant’ and all I could do was cry. I thought ‘enough is enough’. I didn't want to die young and leave my children without a mum.

“In the nail bar where I go, Amanda Plastow had put a leaflet about The 1:1 Diet by Cambridge Weight Plan. It took me two days to ring her up; I wasn't sure anyone could help me.

“We arranged a consultation and chatted for ages about all sorts. I felt like this could be it; I could do this.

“A few days later I started and lost weight every week. After her visits I was always motivated and ready to face another week. Her upbeat and enthusiastic approach was always refreshing.

“I started to enjoy life again, going to more places with my family and enjoying dressing up. Before I knew it, I was five stone lighter.

“I had my kidney stone removed at last and put on a bit of weight. When I was allowed I got straight back on Plan. I also learned to deal with events as in Asian culture, food is a big part.

“I felt then I was ready to become a Consultant myself as I could become a great role model and help others in the Asian community.

“My proudest moment was talking about The 1:1 Diet on the radio and feeling confident. Speaking different languages really helps and teaching people a new approach to our food is great.

“My kids and husband are so proud of me and have been there for me every step of my journey. I have a new me and life because of Amanda and The 1:1 Diet.”


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